Dienstleistungen zur Maschinensicherheit


Shack HB9ESW

Welcome, my name is Christoph and hamradio is my passion. I have the callsign HB9ESW since 2009 and my radio station (shack) is locatet in 3325 Hettiswil, approximately 20km from Bern. The locator is JN37SA.

In 2002 i started with the hamradio hobby under the call HB3YGC. Hamradio is an interesting and diversified hobby that never lets me go, it is a virus!

I am active on HF, VHF and UHF in analog and digital modes.

Find out more about my station!

Best 73 de Christoph HB9ESW


HB9ESW activities


Good conditions (overreach)

on 2m on 12-22-2021

Equipment: YAESU FT-480R, LA-144 (approx. 25Watt), 2-element YAGI

Software: JTDX (FT8)

Distance: Longest and logged connection: 971km (Newton St. Margarets, England)

Good conditions (overreach)

on 2m on 12-23-2022

Equipment: YAESU FT-480R (approx. 5Watt), Double Duadlong

Software: JTDX (FT8)

Distance: Longest distance: 1186km (Ayton, Scotland)


My equipment

YAESU-Radios: FTDX3000, 2x FTM-400D, FT-480R, FTM-3100E (IGate), FT3D

KW-PANadapter: SDRplay RSP1A

Amplifiers: ACOM 700S

Antenna tuner: ACOM 04AT

Scanner: AOR AR-DV1

Node/Hotspots: HRI-200, DVMEGA EuroNode

Antennas: 2x Diamond X200, Inverted-V self-made for HF, 144MHz Double-Quadlong, 144MHz self-made Dipol for APRS-IGate

HF cabling: RG213 Foam, Diamond and Paradan lightning protection, DXwire chocke balun (KW)

Power supply: Diamond GZV-6000

Computer: DELL Optiplex 7010, Intel NUC 5i3RYH (IGate)

HAM-Software: Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD), SDR-Console, OmniRig, ACOM Controller, JTDX, Fldigi, WiRES-X, APRSIS32, Butel ARC DV1

ACOM Controller

ACOM Controller in action (with active function “always on top”)


My favorite source of supply


APRS i-Gate

The IGate with the SSID HB9ESW-10 feeds the received APRS packets into the worldwide APRS-IS network (RF to IS). So the stations can also be tracked online or the message exchange can be done worldwide. The average reception range of the IGate is about 40km.

The packets (1200Bd) are received by the FTM-3100E and processed/decoded by Microsat tracker. The tracker then forwards the APRS data via Bluetooth to the computer (NUC) which feeds the data into the internet. The software APRSIS32 is used.

APRS-Befehle—> coming soon

WiRES-X Node

The WiRES-X system from YAESU is a robust and easy to use networking system. The terminals do not need to be specially programmed to work in the system. YAESU manages the servers, therefore it runs very stable and without big problems

WiRES-X Node with FTM-400 and HRI-200

WiRES-X Node with FTM-400 and HRI-200

If I don't have access to the node, the PDN mode with the FT3D is used. If I don't have access to the node, the PDN mode with the FT3D is used. The RF of the FT3D is deactivated this way. This way the system can be used legally in countries with different radio rules.

I am running a node with a HRI-200 interface and a FTM-400D to participate in the WiRES-X system. It is the entry point via HF into the worldwide linking system.



Remote control of my antenna switches an power relais (solid state relais) via wifi-switch with the mobile phone app or internet browser. The node runs on a dummyload and via switch it can be connected to the external antenna. This option is very useful when I am mobile or portable on the way.

The node's FTM400 can simply be switched on/off via the cell phone.

I am the administrator and it is not an unserviced installation as far as RF emission is concerned.

A DV EuroNode is used for various digital operating modes. The node operates various modes such as DMR, YSF (C4FM), D-Star and P25. The node is framed in red in the picture on the left.

Digital node (framed in red)

Project double Quadlong for 144MHz

The 2m SSB connections have grabbed me and I wanted to improve my antenna situation (self-made 2-element YAGI). I was looking for a directional antenna with a large beam angle but still with good gain values. When I came across the double Quadlong (from DK7ZB), my search ended. I knew this antenna was exactly what I was looking for. The beam angle is almost identical to the old YAGI. The gain, however, is significantly higher, so that the construction and change is worthwhile.

So far I was very positively surprised by this antenna and have the but quite high effort not regretted a second!

*No guarantee of correctness


Project Inverted-V

I discovered the self-built inverted-V on the Internet at HB9RYZ (many thanks). It was ideally suited to the spatial conditions and is based on a G5RV. Thanks to the antenna tuner at the base of the antenna, it can be used on various HF bands (80 to 10m).

*No guarantee of correctness


Project USB audio interface

For my old YAESU FT-480R I built myself an audio PC interface. It provides the interface between PC and radio to make digital modes (e.g. FT8) via the sound card. The interface has a manual switch to switch between sound card and microphone. So I can also do SSB operation.

Now I have attached additional fans to the YAESU FT-480R which contribute to the cooling of the power amplifier during FT8 operation.
